Have you ever wondered how iPhone applications are developed. Have you thought about developing one of your own? Read on to find out exactly how an app is developed.
1. The first step is, of course, the idea. You need an idea and you need to run it by people, refine it, define exactly what features the app needs to be successful. Exactly what it has to be able to do to make people want it. Before hailing your idea as the best since slicing bread, make sure other people will feel the same way. People do like their sliced bread, you know.
If you browse the iPhone App Store you can quickly tell if there are already ten apps that do what you want to do (bad news) or if there are a few good selling apps that are similar but don’t do as much. You don’t (good news). Check out the list of the top paid, top free, and grossing apps overall, as well as in your app category.
Ask yourself the hard question: “Is the world ready to download my app?” Ask yourself a more important question: “Based on what I’m seeing, should I adapt my idea to better align with what people are actually downloading?”
2. Wireframing comes next. This term means sketching out how your idea will work. What the screenshot looks like, a face or a character or a button. An explanation of what happens where and what happens when you tap where. Traditionally, wireframing has been done on bar or restaurant napkins. But for applications, in the Internet age, you can also opt for a wireframing tool. Some tools, eg Wireframe Sketch Maker And Invision application, lets you add buttons and even prototype simulations. This can be very useful for…
3. You need to raise money. Unless you are a professional coder, you will probably need to hire several people if you are. You have several options here. You can get rich (that’s my favorite approach). Or you can invite friends and family to invest. Or you might crowdfund through Kickstarter or Indiegogo.
You will need a good sales pitch with creative videos (uploaded to your Youtube channel) that give potential contributors the possibilities. Add some nice perks, like being one of the first to get an app or being a beta tester.
4. Register as an iPhone application developer. Go to the Apple Developer Center and read, read, read. Make sure you understand everything involved – all the guidelines, all the license agreements, and all the steps you need to follow.
5. You must choose iPhone app development team. The best way to determine who is a good team to hire is to ask for a sample. Try to see the sample as closely as possible to what you want to make. Thoroughly test each app to make sure nothing is missing and everything is running smoothly (and to get an idea if there’s anything you might not have known while designing the wireframe). Many talented developers are overseas. Offshore programmers can save you money, but they also present communication challenges if English is not their first language or if they are in a different time zone, two factors to consider carefully.
6. Now you wait. Well, not completely. Most likely, there will be a lot of back and forth communication with the development team. But you will be waiting for them to contact you with questions or bit by bit to show you feedback. So while you’re waiting, you can…
7. Plan your marketing. If you choose to be rich, you will start over. However, if you choose crowdfunding, you can work on this audience. Keep updating them about progress. Get them to like your Facebook page and follow you on Twitter. And get them to like and share your Youtube teaser video.
List all iPhone app review sites and blogs. List any niche blog. For example, if you have a dog-related app, list all blogs for dog owners. Remember to note down the blog name, blogger name, blog URL, and email address or contact form URL, so you’re ready to request a review when the application is ready.
There he is. Follow these seven steps and you have all the foundations for a great iPhone app. What you add that cannot be listed in these steps is your own personality, your own energy, and your own creativity. Make it yours, make it special and make it original. People will be attracted to really special apps and really special app promoters.
Mark Varley is an inventor at heart. He has compiled dozens of ideas for applications and other items, and has sold some of his ideas to various developers and manufacturers.