Image Credit: ADsorb-it®
Oil spills are a disaster. Even a minor spill accident can seriously impact even the most developed countries economically, socially, and of course, the environment. The world had experienced many such accidents in the past whose percussion was heard even in the farthest corners of the world. Fortunately, the world is better prepared for such incidents now.
Today, we are equipped with latest technology to control oil spills. Industry has followed all safety guidelines and taken all necessary safety precautions to contain the possibility of accidental spills. Even if the worst-case scenario turns out to be a reality and prevention is no longer an option, there are still many solutions to contain the dangers posed by an oil spill.
Absorbent products have proven particularly effective in dealing with oil spills and chemical spills, as well as other types of water-based spills. There are a variety of absorbent products available to us, made from a variety of materials. Each has different properties and indications.
Read on to find out everything you need to know about spill absorbent products.
A wide range of absorbent products depending on the application
The market is full of various types of absorbent products. But not all products are created equal. In some use cases where the centipede can work efficiently, the filtration cloth may not work at all. The efficacy of absorbent products depends on their application.
Here we have listed the types of absorbent products based on their application.
Oil absorbent only
As the name suggests, these adsorbents repel water and only suck up liquids based on hydrocarbons. They are widely used in the oil and petroleum industry. Filtration sockspillows, bearings, booms, etc., fall into this category.
Hazchem absorber
Hazchem absorbents successfully absorb every ounce of chemical spills. Hence, it is used in workplaces that are in contact with hazardous chemicals. But again, not all Hazchem absorbents absorb every chemical.
Each type of absorbent that falls into this category has properties against a particular type of chemical.
universal absorbent
As the name suggests, universal absorbents are capable of absorbing any type of spill, whether oil or chemical. Their extraordinary absorbent qualities have earned them the name, general purpose absorbents.
Whether a minor leak or a potentially hazardous oil or chemical leak, this absorbent product greatly limits the hazard.
Various kinds of absorbent products according to their origin
We can also differentiate absorbent products based on their origin. We have listed them here.
Natural organic
This absorbent product is made with organic ingredients that occur naturally in the earth. Most natural organic adsorbents are made from cotton, sawdust, peat moss and other organic materials.
These materials are easily dispersed in water and can absorb three to fifteen times their weight. They are widely used in dealing with oil and water spills. They don’t help much with chemical spills.
Natural inorganic
This absorbent product mainly consists of volcanic ash, vermiculite, clay and other similar materials. They can absorb up to twenty times their weight.
Synthetic adsorbents are man-made. They are mainly made of polypropylene. They are sturdy enough to hold 50 to 60 times their weight. In addition, they have a longer shelf life.
However, because of its origin (polypropylene is a type of plastic), it is not environmentally friendly, and its disposal is of great concern.
However, several companies are now making synthetic adsorbents that can be recycled and reused which pose no threat to the environment.
Industrial spills do not spare ecosystems. While aquatic ecosystems suffered a lot of damage, terrestrial ecosystems were not affected. Fortunately, with this powerful spill absorbent product, the industry can avoid the damage that is unavoidable.