You should always take advantage of a good, low-cost marketing move or strategy, especially if you are launching a startup. Promotion of your business never stops. This is an ongoing process and a real challenge for small businesses. You’re at the start, low on funds and you’re thinking about how to advertise your brand and get others to pay attention to you.
Here are some low-cost marketing tips and strategies that will serve their purpose, namely – attracting new customers and creating possibilities for business expansion.
1. Planning
Be specific when determining your best prospects. When you do, think about the most suitable and effective way to reach them. Who is considered your target customer? Will you be reaching out to them on social media or local business meetings? Is there a chance that they will search for your product or service online? When will you start promoting your business? Early in their buying cycle, or right before they make a purchase? Write down the answers to all the questions considered, and use them as a reference before you start with a new marketing tactic.
2. Set up the Website
Building a website is something you don’t want to put aside for later. Online marketing is very important, and you need a good website to stay in the race and keep up with the times. You can choose between hiring a professional web developer for a custom-built website, and a free online website builder like Strikingly or Wix.
3. Social Media
Create profile pages for your business brand on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn, and enhance them social media presence. Make sure you provide a good and attractive description, contact info, keywords and links to your website and other web locations. Join online groups of people involved with products similar to yours. Participate in conversations, promote them, but don’t spam others with constant ads.
4. Promotional items
These products are highly beneficial, due to their ability to increase brand awareness, attract new customers and clients and contribute to business growth. They grab attention, increase brand exposure, and are not limited to just your target audience. Pens, USB sticks, shirts and mugs with your logo should be everywhere. You can provide branded bags to your employees, so they will take the brand with them wherever they go.
5. Donate
Find a charity event and donate some of your products or services. Your brand name will be spoken about in a very positive context.

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6. Publicize Unusual Aspects of Your Business
If there’s something interesting or specific to your type of business, publish it by sending a press release. Aim for radio stations, newspapers, cable TV stations, and other press release services. Submit a photo along with the press release, to increase your chances of getting the material published.
7. Email Newsletters
Collect email addresses of your customers and send promotions, newsletters and updates by email. Get as many people as possible to subscribe to your service. When you reach a certain number of subscribers, you need to pay for the service (which is actually not that expensive).
8. Public Demonstration
Organize public demonstrations of the products and services you provide. Promote the event and contact local newspapers to let them know about the event. Find a suitable retail or office space and give a demonstration that will tickle their minds.
9. Video Material
Create a YouTube or Vimeo account, and put your product videos on it. This video can also be shared on social media networks. This will give you more exposure, especially if your presentation is attractive, professional and visually appealing.
10. Contribute To Local Publications
To write an expert article, you need to have a good writing style and know a lot about the subject you are writing about. If you qualify for this, contact the editors of various publications and start writing.