The human brain is complex and mysterious. It works at a very high speed and processes a lot of things at the same time. The animal kingdom has several species that are faster, stronger, and more flexible than humans, but all of them fall short in comparison to the human mind.
For these qualities and more, humans are considered the most advanced species on earth. However, the human mind and body are not flawless. We are vulnerable, and we need constant care to stay in good shape.
In today’s fast-paced world, most of us have to deal with personal and professional responsibilities and endure high stress in our daily lives, and on top of that, our bodies deal with ever-increasing pollution.
These are just a few of the factors which are extremely detrimental to the human mind and body. That’s when it becomes necessary for us to slow down and allow our minds and bodies to repair and rejuvenate.
The healing power of meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to heal a bruised and battered mind and improve one’s physical condition. This is an ancient practice, and examples of it can be found in records dating back three thousand years. However, the popularity of meditation only grew during this period.
long live Alan Watts shows us that not only has the number of believers increased over the years, but that newer forms and disciplines of meditation have come to the fore. Let’s share some of the benefits of meditation.
Stress reduction
Meditation helps us take a step back and away from the pressures life puts on us, and it reduces the mental agitation that this causes.
Improved concentration
Because the brain becomes less toned after a meditation session, it can concentrate better on things and maintain sustained focus. The benefits of meditation also extend to improving memory.
High self-awareness
People who practice meditation for a few minutes each day report a higher awareness of mind and body. On a mental level, we experience clarity in recognizing strong emotions such as anger, hatred, and jealousy, and we are able to better control these negative emotions.
Physically, we become more aware of our own breathing, and we can concentrate on separate parts of our body.
quality of life
The best benefit of meditation is that it removes cobwebs and dark spots from the human mind. We become more comfortable with ourselves, and that gives us a sense of peace. The scientific reasoning behind this is that meditation increases brain activity in the left side of the prefrontal cortex, while activity on the right side remains suppressed, which reduces negative emotions.
Without medication, surgery or rehabilitation, simple meditation techniques provide the above benefits which help to rejuvenate our tired souls and bodies.
Matthew Hanson has been a longtime follower of the life of Alan Watts. She teaches yoga and delivers lectures on the benefits of meditation for improving overall well-being.