The current course for purpose-built homes for added convenience, comfort, and pleasure of owning two master bedroom suites allows home buyers the opportunity to address issues of American attitudes and social change. The largest bedroom in the house, which includes a large private bathroom, is the master bedroom. When you build your own house, it can be built with two master bedrooms.
Two master bedroom homes are expected to be in the 60 percent custom homes by 2015. This is a prediction from the National Association of Home Builders.
New Attitude:
Sleeping in separate rooms is nothing new in America. The results of a 2005 survey reported by the National Sleep Foundation reported this incident occurred in American couples with a ratio of one in four. Recognizing the importance of sleep to good health, many Americans make getting enough sleep a priority. This attitude is expressed by home buyers building houses with two master bedrooms.
Lack of sleep:
In today’s fast-paced, multi-tasking lifestyle, it’s very easy to get enough rest and sleep. Many Americans engage in long hours of studying, working, or socializing late at night. Lack of adequate sleep can lead to problems with judgment, memory, learning ability, and mood, and can contribute to driving and other accidents, which cause serious injury. Lack of sleep can cause overweight, heart problems, diabetes, and shorten one’s life. People make mistakes or are unproductive at work because they are sleepy. Purpose-built home buyers can add two master bedroom suites to reduce sleep deprivation-inducing influences. Health conditions and snoring can disrupt sleep patterns. Why give up the convenience, comfort, or coziness of a master bedroom, when two can be built?
Preference Difference:
There’s an old saying, “some like it hot, some like it cold.” Couples have different preferences. While one partner prefers one sheet and a blanket, the other is more comfortable under several heavy blankets. What about room lighting? Some people want complete darkness, others want a little light and still others, a little more. Buyers with purpose-built homes, find having two master bedrooms reduces the problem when one partner wants to read quietly and the other wants to watch TV. their bed.
Personal Decoration:
Most men prefer home decor especially to be in their partner’s domain. Two master bedroom suites allow for a purpose-built home to indulge a man’s pleasure in creating his own comfortable “man” space. He can choose the type of bed, favorite chair, chaise longue and the size of the big screen, to watch his favorite sporting events. Many couples suggest their marriage has improved because two master bedrooms have allowed them to fulfill their sexual fantasies with date night invitations to one bedroom or the other. Absence can make hearts grow fonder and separation increases anticipation.
At the University of Minnesota, in the department of family and social sciences, professor Paul Rosenblatt studied couples with separate bedrooms and found they “have separate places for their sleeping arrangements, but also a shared space. Some did their hugs, before parting ways. Many couples do business together or they are both retired and spend a lot of time together. In other situations, one partner wakes up early, the other is most active at night. This condition may require partners to retreat to separate master bedroom spaces for personal regrouping and recoup times.
Big family:
More Americans are experiencing a desire to build homes that accommodate the needs of extended families. In today’s economy, young adults feel the need to stay put or return home after college or after moving on their own. Some of these young adults are returning with families of their own. Other extended family members are senior relatives who cannot live alone for various reasons, including the need for medical assistance or limited resources. Extended family members also include siblings. The advantage of a purpose built house with two master bedrooms, would be the added provision for space and privacy. An added feature of purpose-built two master bedroom homes is their economic advantage for buyers wishing to own them together.
Joint Ownership:
Some family members and friends can only afford a custom home when they pool their money together. This is especially true for those who are buying a home for the first time. Fellow buyers can take advantage of the benefits they receive in the privacy, convenience, and comfort of a house built with two master bedrooms.
Cameron Wilkie own and operate cambuilda leading luxury home builder specializing in Custom Built Homes in Perth, Australia.