By far the best advice I can give on Twitter is to post good information.
What are your followers interested in?
What information do they want to know?
What are their questions?
What motivates them?
Why are they following you?
I always tell people- “Give your followers a reason to keep following you!”
This may be by posting links to information and products you think they will be interested in. It could be posting anecdotal stories about things that happened to you – or answering people’s questions about a niche, giving advice, talking to people.
Make sure your Tweets are not just a series of promotions. Point people towards free content, share your knowledge, show off your passion and make connections.
Let’s say your main niche is internet marketing. Your followers are people who want to learn about internet marketing – people who want to build a business online or make more money online.
They follow you because they want to learn from you and they see you as a source of authority.
Tweeting good information will make your followers responsive and you will find that you start generating new followers without actively going out there and looking for them yourself.
Talk to people (it’s very important) and concentrate on building relationships with your followers. Use a 90/10 ratio where 90% of your time is sharing other people’s Tweets, sharing useful stuff and talking to people and 10% of your time is for self-promotion.
Timing is also important. Try to tweet regularly but not so often that it takes over your life and annoys your followers!
If you follow these suggestions, you will be well on your way to creating a great presence on Twitter.