Anger, as our minds understand it, is a basic human emotion that is triggered by emotional wounds. Anger is experienced as an unpleasant feeling that occurs when we think we have been hurt, mistreated, opposed in our old views or when we encounter obstacles that prevent us from achieving our personal goals.
From an energetic point of view, Anger is energy that slows down existing currents, reduces the speed of the flow and creates disturbances in familiar and comfortable energy flows. Imagine a river where a dam has been built and blocks its flow.
Anger is stagnant water. Stagnation is against the laws of nature and energy must be transformed because it cannot be destroyed. The transformation occurs vertically. The energy becomes fire and the flow is being heated. As the temperature of the water rises, so does its energy level.
When controlled, this energy has enough power to create extraordinary life forms. Creating a Life form focuses on a thought and gives it density. Setting a vision and channeling it with a plan, building on it with newer thinking (which is creative energy in shaping). Anger is indeed the highest creative power and greatest creative ability. It just has to be understood to be harvested well.
Realize that your body is naturally equipped with an identified emotional response system. This system disables your ability to control your emotions for about 1 and a half minutes so you can experience them FULLY. When you are triggered by external circumstances, your body responds by releasing hormones. This response blocks your conscious desire to control it and your cellular level of experiencing the emotion you are living.
We are energy beings who experience this physicality and we therefore have the perfect tools to explore this world through our emotional language. After that minute and a half, you can regain complete control over yourself and use this information and emotional energy to define yourself, create yourself, build yourself. Because anger has the most creative potential in the shortest amount of time, it becomes the perfect space to create. When provoked by external circumstances that cause anger,
Here are the 1, 2, 3 steps to take to harvest its energy and rise from it.
1). Let the Anger fully integrate with you for 1 and a half minutes (alone). Shout, scream, shout, hit the pillows.. whatever suits your style!
2). After that minute and a half, take a deep breath and imagine your angry feelings dissipating as you hold onto the imaginary space to land your thoughts.
3). Write down whatever comes up in the 5-minute window (or more if the thoughts keep coming). Look at your notes and summarize an action plan.
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