Pulitzer Prize-winning Edith Wharton is an inspiring writer. He once said, “There are only two ways of spreading light, be it the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
As a manager, it’s your job to make sure that the employees you meet at the water cooler are happy. Show strong employee appreciation and keep them well motivated. Many HR representatives find that some of the best methods of building employee morale are through the use of employee appreciation programs. This might involve things like contests with prizes or employee reward awards.
Programs that provide bonuses to team members who perform well or exceed expectations. However, complex programs may not be feasible for certain companies. How do you ensure that your workforce is properly recognized? Well, gifts don’t have to be expensive to be valuable. Here are eight things you can do to show appreciation for your employees. Appreciation, that is, without having to spend a fortune in the process.
Share Positive Customer/Client Feedback
Everyone likes to know that their efforts are paying off. When you get positive feedback from a client, make sure the employee in question knows about it. This should be done personally through an employee appreciation review. You can also post positive feedback on the company bulletin board or feature it in the company bulletin.
Accepting Criticism
Have an online employee suggestion box. Employees love to know that their questions and ideas are heard and considered. However, many employees worry that there will be some kind of retribution if they openly criticize company policies. Some people don’t like pointing faults with management. Providing a safe forum for addressing these issues allows team members to voice their concerns. Allowing employees to speak up without fear of reprisal is an important part of any employee rewards program.
Facilitate interaction between employees and management. Employees who know their boss personally feel more loyal to the company as a whole. In too many companies, an us vs them mentality develops between employees and their superiors. Counter this by allowing people from all departments and levels to mingle and enjoy each other’s company away from the work atmosphere.
Have a Fun Employee Appreciation Ceremony
The reality is that being recognized for accomplishments in front of peers allows employees to share in their success. Who doesn’t like to brag a little? They may pretend they are not interested in receiving their gift, but deep down they will be proud.
Don’t Nit-Pick
It is said that if you give someone an inch, they will take a mile. This may not be the case. Sometimes if you give someone an inch they will just enjoy it gratefully. If you have an employee who is doing a great job, but is slipping a bit, so be it. If they work hard but occasionally make mistakes in their documents, so be it. If you fixate on the employee’s mistakes and areas that need improvement, the employee isn’t going to feel any employee appreciation. Instead, they will focus on those things company is doing something wrong.
Be thankful
Take time to personally thank the Employee for a job well done. Leave your office and go to the workstations of employees who have performed well. Tell them how important they are to the company. Be specific about the good work they have done. Don’t call employees into your office. It might give them the impression that they have done something wrong.
Allow Employees to Telecommute
Not only doesn’t cost anything, but it actually does save your company money. When employees work from home, they do not use the company’s electricity or water. These are both expenses that can really add up over time. Employees who are occasionally allowed to work from home will feel employee appreciation through the appreciation they feel. They can avoid long commutes, uncomfortable work clothes, and their performance and morale need to soar.
Be Kind
Sometimes the most effective thing you can do to help increase employee appreciation is to be friendly. Show a genuine interest in their lives, and they will pay you back by working hard and remembering the company’s overall success.