Today, bloggers are very powerful people. They influence people’s life decisions. Many people make purchases based on recommendations they get from a blog. Whenever people have a fix, they do a quick search online for a solution. And they mostly get it from blogs. Even large companies now have blogs.
Start by make your blog stand out from the rest. Make it a destination in your niche. Yes, there are already so many blogs and too much online noise. As usual, survival tactics apply. Survival online is not just survival for the strongest, but also for the smartest. Here’s how you can become the smart blogger everyone wants to read.
Have an awesome idea
Your idea must be unique and fresh. Don’t just do the same old stuff you see online. There’s a good chance that whatever it is you want to blog about is already heavily blogged. However, try to give a touch that has never been done. Something that will give people a reason to keep reading and learning from you.
Before you blog, take some time to research your niche in depth. Dig deep and find out what really hurts your audience. Check out other blogs and note the drawbacks. Craft a winning strategy that will give your audience something they can’t find anywhere else.
Remember Facebook came after MySpace, Gmail came after Yahoo and Uber came when they were already a lot of other taxi apps. However, they researched a lot and came up with unique features that made them dominate the market. Aim to do the same when compiling blogging strategy.
Learning never stops
In order for you to stand out, learn from a variety of sources. This includes:
- Other bloggers: you go from the known to the unknown. See what others are doing and implement what works.
- News: What’s happening in the world? What’s changed? Pay close attention to industry news so you can make realistic projections for the future.
- Numbers: This is very important, and will make you stand out. Keep doing your own testing and learning from the feedback. Learn your audience inside out. Top companies overtake their competitors because they are creative, test new things, study feedback closely, and implement relevant ideas before anyone else. Numbers don’t lie.
Don’t stop learning. Every time you learn something new that works, take action quickly and decisively with it.
Make your audience feel useful
In a struggle for dominance, bloggers are starting to make their audience feel like a bunch of guinea pigs. Even before they engage with blog content, they are bombarded with forms, ads, polls, like boxes, and more.
It’s like meeting new people and before you even know their name they are already asking your number, asking if you like them or not, advertising their products and even making marriage proposals. Feels terrible, right?
We love to exchange value for value. Once you know and love someone, you are free to give them any information they ask for. You will enjoy it even when they message you frequently. You will be happy to keep in touch.
In order for you to stand out, don’t bombard your readers with demands before they even get to know you. Yes, you need a master parenting strategy. You want to grow a large, responsive mailing list where you can get repeat customers. However, do your best to remain humane. Make your audience feel useful every time.
Are the top blogs doing all these annoying things? Yes they do. However, the big question is whether they did that when they started. They definitely don’t. They focus on building their brand first. Once they were familiar with millions of people, they got to a position where they would get away with such a move.
Do it the same way as startup. Focus on building an amazing brand first.
People always need someone to lead them. Being a good leader allows you to command great authority. A smart blogger strives to have superior leadership qualities. Naturally, people follow great leaders.
Here are some great ways to lead as a blogger:
- Research and verify everything: A good leader is 100% sure that the content he posts is factual. Readers will always come to you for information and even to buy your products because whatever you say really works.
- Stay confident: Stand up for what you believe in. People can literally read your confidence in your content.
- Innovate: Market leaders are always innovating. They come up with new things or find better ways to provide simple solutions to complex problems. Always be innovative and keep testing your creativity.
- Inspire: Life is hard, at least for most people. A leader seeks to inspire people and keep them going. Take it as your duty to be a great source of inspiration for others who are heavily burdened by life’s struggles. After all, your blog should be a source of solutions to their problems.
How exactly do you succeed in blogging? It’s easy to find information on how to host, where to register your domain, how to install WordPress, and which themes are hot on the market. However, success is in the details. Follow the tips above to ensure that your blog is more than the average blog.