Every year 8.9 million fractures occur due to reduced bone density. This decrease in bone density is common in older people, especially women. The International Osteoporosis Foundation says that 20% of men and 33% of women worldwide are at risk of fractures due to loss of bone density. There are 3 factors that play a role in terms of bone density.
- Age
- Genetics
- Gender
To overcome this problem, women are advised to consume at least forty-six grams of protein every day. Pregnant women are asked to increase that figure to seventy one grams during pregnancy. Of course, based on the physical activity you do, you should vary your intake either up or down. Good sources of protein include cheese, yogurt and milk because they contain calcium as well as other nutrients combined.
Why Is Protein So Important?
Proteins are used in the reproduction, repair and formation of all body cells. In addition, protein boosts the immune system and keeps bones strong. The balance of fluids in the body is also regulated by protein. In addition, it helps remove ammonia from the body which keeps the liver healthy.
Latest Scientific Findings
There have been several research studies that have recently uncovered some interesting and mysterious findings osteoporosis. It is important to know that the human skeleton is quite agile and when measuring its strength, bone density is not the only thing to consider. Studies have concluded that a numerical value by itself cannot be a measure of bone quality. Additionally, they have shown that if a person takes Vitamin K2, they can reduce the likelihood of bone fractures without necessarily increasing their density.
When women take drugs and elemental calcium, the risk of developing breast cancer increases by more than 200%. This finding has been acknowledged by several research organizations. The Journal of the American Medical Association in 1996 published an observation that women who have very high levels of mineral density are at double the risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, women who consume elemental calcium have a significantly increased risk of heart attack. It is therefore important to ensure a holistic approach when working to curb bone loss in women as well as the elderly, keeping in mind the side effects.
Diet and Exercise
There are certain foods that help combat bone loss. Broccoli is known for its cancer-fighting antioxidants, but few people know that it is especially good for fighting bone loss. It also lowers cholesterol, balances the body’s PH, provides better eye health and also bone strength. Broccoli is not only accepted for its healing properties, it is also recommended as a preventative measure.
Another way to ensure good bone density is physical activity along with a healthy diet. A study was conducted and collected over 10 years on how yoga improves bone strength. It was found that in more than 200 participants, all according to the exercises they were given, the femur and spine had increased bone density. This study also found that internal bone support was improved by physical exercise.