Joint pain and inflammation are common symptoms of arthritis and Celiac Disease (CD). Have you ever wondered why such patients are in so much pain especially after eating bread? This condition can be managed with good nutrition. If you have Celiac disease, consumption of gluten protein will trigger an autoimmune response that causes inflammation.
Gluten is a kind of complex protein that humans cannot fully digest. Partially digested protein complexes enter the blood from the intestine. Therefore, the immune system responds by attacking healthy tissue instead of pathogens causing inflammation in other tissues, intestines and organs.
Inflammation reduces the capacity of the intestines to absorb essential nutrients resulting in bloating and abdominal pain. A gluten free diet is preferred for gluten sensitive individuals and those with CD and arthritis.
Gluten is a protein complex found in grains such as rye, barley, and wheat, while gluten-free foods include meat; fruits and vegetables; rice and potatoes. A gluten-free diet also reduces the incidence of fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.
The Benefits of a Gluten Free Diet
Some people are not aware that they are sensitive to gluten and continue to eat gluten-containing breads and other grains which will result in acute deficiencies of essential nutrients. This is because their intestines do not absorb nutrients from food resulting in damage to their bodies.
Bloating and gas are immediate symptoms that gluten-sensitive people should be aware of before they develop inflammation. A gluten-free diet reduces inflammation and plays a role in the treatment of autoimmune disorders and inflammatory diseases.
Apart from managing Celiac Disease, a gluten free diet also reduces the risk of other terminal diseases such as certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease and other health related problems. It also recorded good results including increased energy and management of autism in children.
A gluten-free diet will help your body fight viruses and germs because it is rich in vitamins, essential minerals and antioxidants. A gluten free diet, therefore, leads to a healthier lifestyle. Studies also show that a gluten-free diet coupled with reduced carbs and increased fruits and vegetables will result in weight management.
Therefore, a consistent gluten-free diet provides several health benefits ranging from managing cholesterol levels, improving digestion to increasing energy, especially for patients who are gluten intolerant.
Gluten Free Diet Plan
Nutrition is the basis for good health and disease management. A proper diet plan balanced with good exercise and proper hydration will keep the doctor away.
If you intend to start a gluten-free diet, it is important to remove or substantially reduce some foods from your list. It is important to reduce fried foods, desserts that are high in sugar and fat.
On your gluten free diet journey, it is recommended that you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Be careful to choose gluten-free starches such as quinoa, brown rice and sweet potatoes. This will result in reducing the unhealthy carbohydrates found in bakery products as well as unhealthy oils.
Self-awareness and proper nutrition lead to a healthy life. Investigate food content on supermarket shelves. Some foods are labeled gluten free on their packaging but in reality they are not.