High cholesterol is becoming increasingly common, and in many developed countries, nearly 15% of the population has excessive cholesterol levels. If you fall into that classification, then you need to know what you can do to get it back under control.
Higher-than-normal cholesterol levels can lead to a number of heart problems and a shorter life, so you need to do what you can to control your cholesterol and return to safer levels.
Increase Your Physical Activity
You can start with more exercise. This is one of the most effective and the simplest way to increase your cholesterol. Any exercise that gets your heart rate up will be good for your cholesterol levels. Even walking regularly can help.
You may not even have to try to go to the gym or do a workout session. Simply by walking more places and taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you can make an impact on your cholesterol and overall health.
However, if you have serious health concerns, it is best to consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.
Change Your Diet
The second major key to lowering cholesterol is diet. If your cholesterol level is too high, a poor diet is likely contributing. If you’re not sure what foods to eat, you may want to talk to your doctor or a dietitian. You can adjust your meal plan or try to make healthier choices.
One of the better ways you can fight cholesterol in your diet is to make your own food at home and control what you put in it. Be careful about the amount of fat, salt, sugar and oil you use when preparing food. It’s almost always healthier to make your own food than to go out to eat or buy prepackaged or frozen meals.
You can also focus on making whole grains, fiber and healthy fats a part of your diet. These healthy fats are found in fish, coconut oil, olives, and other foods with HDL cholesterol. There is good and bad cholesterol, and you want to make sure you lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, in your diet and focus on adding HDL when you can. It just means substituting certain foods for others and cooking with the right ingredients.
When you do consume dairy products, choose low-fat or skim dairy products for better cholesterol levels. Making better choices each day like this can make a big difference in how your cholesterol levels change over time.
Take Medication, If Necessary
While diet and exercise are very important for lowering your cholesterol, they are not your only options. You can get help by choosing the right medication to reduce your appetite, fight fat retention, or directly lower your cholesterol level. Talk to your doctor about some medications that can increase your effectiveness in fighting high cholesterol.
There are several of them, and what you can use depends on the medical condition you have and how much help you want in lowering your cholesterol. For many people, diet and exercise are sufficient, but others may need the encouragement and support provided by cholesterol-lowering drug. Just don’t try to self-medicate in this area of your health, as there can be disastrous consequences. Instead, follow your doctor’s advice for the most effective and safe medication to help you fight high cholesterol.
If you follow this guide to fighting cholesterol, you will lower your cholesterol quickly and safely and enjoy a longer life with fewer health risks.