Love, without removing the romantic side from it, is a state of affairs. Indeed it is the most natural state. While this is ultimately our most essential way of being, our forgotten memories have temporarily cut us off from the Source. We must consciously reconnect to this essence to remember who we really are… This is possible through the experiences we face every day that remind us what Love feels, what Love is and therefore Who we are.
As a form of permanent Being, Love does not require special action to get it, but more than that, the will to express it. Here is a List of 40 behaviors we do because we are. They all express an open state of mind, well being and caring which is evidence of being in love.
1). You say “I Love You” even if you’ve never said it before. Space created with Love allows a person to express himself in the most authentic way.
2). You suddenly care about what you wear. Your appearance reflects who you are. healthy self-care defines healthy self-love.
3). You give your time to charity. Gift is the first expression of Love. Naturally, you find yourself more generous.
4). You dance more. Joy is an expression of Love that uses the body as a way to communicate Joy.
5). You sing in the shower. You are in tune with your Soul’s song.
6). You wrote a Love letter. Your inspiration is expanded as well as your creative abilities.
7). You think about the future. Unlimited possibilities consciously align with your potential.
8). You start a blog. With a spirit of sharing, aligned with Love, blogging becomes a way to open your world to another.
9). You smile for no reason. The simple awareness of being in love is enough to smile because a smile is simply a symbol of happiness.
10). You dream the impossible & believe that there is a way to make it happen. Infinite and Infinite are the vibrations you tune in to.
11). You connect with like-minded people. An open mind naturally creates a stronger field for attracting new connections
12). You are willing to cook for others. Sharing food means sharing important sustenance & showing emotional acknowledgment.
13). You realize that your happiness is tied to the happiness of others. Sharing Joy & happiness is a state of pure Love.
14). You spend a lot of time on the phone. Communicate, interact, share Tru
th, visions, dreams… it is possible when there is a safe room for it.
th, visions, dreams… it is possible when there is a safe room for it.
15). You check your email more often. Technology has come to erase distances making connections undeniable & ever present.
16). You finally find time in your agenda to do things outside of work. You become more important & closer to your emotional needs.
17). You go to the gym. Taking care of yourself means taking care of your body & also recognizing beauty, health & physical well-being as important components of Life
18). You read your horoscope. The unexpected aspect of love allows the heart to guide the mind to open up to unconventional ways of being.
19). You look at the night sky and wonder if anyone else has seen it too. The state of Love opens the gates to imagination, daydream & wonder…
20). You’re not in a hurry anymore. Time is important for the mind whereas Love is only in the heart & Now Moment.
21). You learn another language. The ability to open your mind is theoretically unlimited. Learning is curiosity. Learning another language is a connection.
22). You move to another city or country. The fear of the unknown becomes irrelevant wherever you go, Love, the safest space there is, goes too.
23). You enjoy a sunny day to go out as much as a rainy day to stay in. Unexpected, uncontrollable & unfathomable acceptance comes naturally.
24). You share a secret. Love is the safest space to be authentic because no judgment or criticism has access to this Sacred space.
25). You reveal your childhood photo. The inner-child has room to explore his or her ability to have fun, with complete confidence.
26). You reinvent your Life. Love is the ultimate creative energy from which all potential dreams become possibilities, the perfect space for visionaries.
27). You let your emotions. The sense of security provided by the aspects of acceptance and affection provide the ideal setting for strong emotional responses.
28). You explore your creative abilities. Infinite creativity held in a state of Love lets the mind wander like a curious child discovering the unknown.
29). You talk for hours. A natural sense of interconnectedness plus a sense of freedom of speech makes room for endless conversation.
30). You consider other points of view more easily. The mind opens into a listening mode aligned with curiosity about the unknown.
31). You enjoy the sunset or sunrise. The simplest natural works of art become the most beautiful spaces to wonder about the wonders of Life.
32). You see the bright side. Life seems filtered with positivism, enthusiasm and happiness vibrating with the consciousness of Love.
33). You volunteer your time to help others. To Love is to be connected to something greater than the Self.
34). You are content with simple things. Simplicity helps to return to the source & supports reconnection to our essential nature.
35). You sleep less, you do more. Love stores unlimited amounts of energy which provide enough fuel for the body to keep moving.
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36). you lose weight. The state of Love provides a sense of security that allows one to escape fear & let go of the need to establish “artificial shelter”.
37). You believe in Destiny. The divine connectedness felt through Faith & Truth gives a new flavor to the creative process in which a sense of destiny exists.
38). You write poetry, play music, create art. All forms of art become a way to express the beauty contained in Love.
39). You are more forgiving. The highest acceptance & compassion that Love gives creates true forgiveness where the heart lets go of emotional attachments.
40). You are hopeful. Hope sums up the state of Love by giving possibility always & all ways.
Never underestimate the power of Love because it is at the core of who you are. Change your perception from what you do to describe who you are to who you are to describe what you do.
Thus you can feel the true power that is in your Life. You can now select your state and fine-tune your selection.
Love is not because you want, hope, can or need but more because of you.. ~ Soul