Setting up an effective weight loss regimen can be a little tricky, especially if you’ve walked this route before with no real results, or have regained the weight you lost at a later stage. However, there is a methodological approach (backed by science and common sense) that can get you started for real this time.
Here’s a simple and practical guide that outlines the ‘steps to slim down’.
Assess your BMI
Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the main measurements used to determine whether you are within a healthy weight range for your height. Very easy to access a bmi calculator on line. To get a more comprehensive assessment of you, ie. Before formulating an appropriate weight loss plan, it’s a good idea to consider BMI along with waist circumference – as it indicates the amount of fat around your belly as a major ‘red flag’ when it comes to your overall health.
Advice from Heart Foundation is to talk to your doctor, an Accredited Practicing Dietitian or healthcare practitioner about your weight, taking your BMI into account. From there, you can make appropriate changes to suit your lifestyle, such as eating healthy foods that meet specific caloric requirements and/or dietary patterns, and other proactive actions.
Eat healthy
Healthy eating is a pattern, and consistency is key. Therefore, it is important to create a sustainable program to reach and maintain your weight loss goals. Best kind healthy diet don’t focus on just one type of food or nutrition, or limit your choices. Instead, they rely on a combination of foods, chosen regularly, over time. Therefore, this isn’t about dieting or a fad approach to bingeing – it’s about making sensible choices about your future intake of major food groups.
You will put yourself on the right path if you follow the regime which are low in saturated and trans fats, salt, and high in whole grains, fiber, antioxidants and unsaturated fats. That means eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as adequate sources of healthy protein.
For example: lean meats, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, legumes, nuts, etc. These items have a good nutritional component with high content of iron, zinc and vitamins (especially B vitamins). You should also include small amounts of healthy ‘cholesterol-boosting’ fats like omega-3 and omega-6, which are found in foods such as: nuts and flaxseeds, avocados, some cooking oils, etc.
No slimming regime is 100 percent complete without a commitment to getting your body moving on a regular basis. Therefore, you should always include a workout plan in a holistic approach to set your weight loss goals. Actually, say the experts that there’s no particular “deemed best” exercise routine and you don’t even have to join a gym! What’s most important is finding a sustainable approach to fitness (like that meal plan) and the key to doing this is finding activities you enjoy, like walking, swimming, or doing a weekly Zumba class.
According to health guidelines, you should get at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity per week to stay healthy and stay fit. Most experts recommend dividing that time into 30 minutes of physical activity, five days a week. So, the bottom line here is it’s better a little less but more often – rather than say a very high-intensity training session that tires you out for the rest of the week.
Numerous studies have actually shown that exercising for three separate 10-minute sessions each day is just as good as pumping it continuously for 30 minutes. So finding a balance that works for you is very important.
Steps to slim down
The steps above offer a solid guide to achieving weight loss goals that are suitable for most people regardless of age, gender, and most other variables. The important thing to focus on is the ongoing aspect of a successful slimming program. Achieve consistency and stick to moderation, and you’re basically more than halfway there. The rest is just rinse and repeat!