Social anxiety disorder is an intense fear of being negatively evaluated, judged, or rejected by people close to your social circle. It’s not just fear, but extends to physical symptoms like nausea, fast heartbeat, or sweating.
Many people assume that people with social anxiety are simply moody or shy, but this is not the case. Social anxiety peaks when speaking in public.
Unmanaged social anxiety can hinder you from living your best life as you will always be holding yourself back from the spotlight. People may also take advantage of you because they realize that you are not assertive and have a hard time saying “No.” However, you don’t need to stay the same.
By following some of the tips below you can overcome social anxiety the right way.
Keep well
Bad eating habits can contribute to your anxiety. Find a healthy diet that works for you and stick to it. Instead of switching to misuse of mdma to overcome your social anxiety problem, try making exercise part of your schedule. When you exercise, endorphins are released in the body, and this elevates your mood.
Sports are also a great way to interact with other like-minded individuals. Drugs can make you the hero of the party, but the negative consequences associated with them can be life-threatening; Try an herbal tea like chamomile to calm your nerves instead of alcohol when you’re feeling an outbreak of social anxiety.
Your mind can become congested with thoughts when you are anxious. To prevent you from falling back into negative thinking and old habits, try keeping a journal.
With a journal, you can write down what’s on your mind and evaluate whether most of your thoughts are positive or negative. Journaling has been shown to be useful for treating cognitive thinking disorder .
Improve your social skills
Part of overcoming social anxiety is getting out and interacting with other people. The more you do this, the more you break down your mental barrier. You can practice making eye contact, giving and receiving compliments, making introductions, and remembering names.
You can also try talking to random people – it’s not as hard as it might seem – by first asking them for directions or complimenting them on something you like about them. Over time, you will find that it becomes easier to talk to people
Practice being assertive
People who suffer from social anxiety often find it difficult to be assertive. They suppress their feelings and opinions, and this causes them to keep to themselves. Assertiveness is different from aggression. This involves clearly communicating how you feel while taking other people’s feelings into account.
Aggression is when you express your feelings and opinions but ignore others. When you practice passive communication, you will feel sad, unwanted, pressured, helpless, and alone. Assertiveness does not include being pushy or selfish.
When you are assertive, people can see things from your point of view. Conversations where you are being assertive start with “I”. For example, I like popcorn, I don’t taste the same as you, or I respect your views, but this is my opinion.
Get help from a therapist
Sometimes it can be helpful to find a therapist/counselor who can help you deal with social anxiety. A counselor can help you defuse past events and help you manage your emotions better.
You have to realize that there is nothing shameful about social anxiety and that you can get better at it. If you are still afraid, you can ask a close friend to accompany you for your first meeting.
Shift the focus from yourself to others
Part of the problem with social anxiety is that you tend to internalize what people think of you. You wonder how they understand what you’re saying or how you look. The more time you spend thinking about yourself, the more anxious you will become.
While it may not be easy at first, work on looking at things externally rather than internally. Try to engage in ongoing conversations with the aim of building connections with the people around you.
Also, remember that it’s not as bad as you think; people may notice that you are anxious, but they don’t really focus on it. Also, try to be present. Don’t entertain your negative thoughts for too long.
Controlled breathing
As previously stated, part of the physical symptoms of social anxiety is that you experience an increased heart rate and better breathing. This causes less oxygen to get to your brain, and you become dizzy. This further exacerbates your anxiety. You can try different deep breathing exercises.
To do this, find a comfortable chair with your back straight and your hands on your chest and stomach. Take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold for two seconds then exhale slowly. Repeat this and you will feel relaxed.
Face your fears
You don’t know what you are capable of until you face your fears. If you are afraid of public speaking, instead of avoiding the situation, try to take control and speak in public. Avoiding social interactions may feel good in the short term, but it only adds to your fear.
When you let fear control your life, it limits what you can do. If you don’t say how you feel, few people will consider your feelings which makes you hurt even more. You can start by taking small steps. If you are afraid of public speaking, start by presenting in front of a mirror and then in front of close friends. With time you will have to do what you fear.
Social anxiety can prevent you from living your dreams. It can keep you from interacting with other people and lead to more social anxiety. The solution is to get out there and make small steps, when you reach a goal you will realize that it is not as bad as you thought. You can also seek counseling to get to the root of your fears.