This past week I spent about 12 hour days working, writing, talking on the phone, sending letters, and getting ready for my book tour.
I did so much that I forgot the things I wrote and taught. I realize how easy it is to get off track when we are faced with demands, deadlines, and pressure from work, home, friends, did I say work, family, bills, and a million other things on our to-do lists.
Does this sound familiar?
It’s certainly much easier to flow and stay energized when life is going at about 40 mph. But when the pace of life is at its peak, it is very difficult to stay calm, energetic and stress free.
Indeed, these are times that test Energy Addicts like us. So here’s what I did last week to help keep my energy up once I realized I was losing it. I hope you will give it a try.
I think it will help.
{Action Step}
Write a checklist of 5-10 things you can do throughout the day improve your workday. Save your checklist at all times and look at it often. If you work in an office, keep your checklist on your desk clearly. Your checklist will help you stay on track.
Here are my 5 suggestions to include on your checklist.
However, I’m sure you have a few of your own that work for you. Sign them up and if you want to email me, I’d love to hear what works for you.
- Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Research tells us that when people eat breakfast, they are more productive and alert at work.
I skipped breakfast a few times last week and I’m feeling more anxious and less energetic. Try to eat a breakfast that is high in fiber and also contains protein.
I like to mix up my breakfast with different combinations which usually include 2 or 3 of the following foods: fruit, whole grain bread, whole grain cereal like Kashi, oatmeal, low fat milk, soy milk, eggs, low fat yogurt, ground flaxseed, granola, cottage cheese , nuts and raisins.
- Breathe
When we are stressed we take shorter breaths and less oxygen into our lungs.
This means less oxygen for our bodies and brains and less energy for us. So whenever you feel stressed, stop what you’re doing, and focus on your breathing.
Take 10 energizing breaths. Say you hit a new project, start to breathe. You have an approaching deadline.
Focus on your breathing. Your boss is calling you for a meeting, just start breathing. It will renew your energy, keep you calm and help you be more productive throughout the day.
- Write a List of Top 5-10 Things You Want To Accomplish Today
Do this the night before or when you get to the office.
It releases clutter from your mind and helps you visualize everything that needs to be done. When your tasks are on paper rather than in your mind, they seem much more manageable.
This will help you focus on your priorities and eliminate distractions. Think about who to contact. What projects must be completed? When you finish each task, just check it.
- Think of Every Problem as a Learning Experience
If you are having a conflict with a coworker, think about why this happened and what you can learn from the experience. Maybe you need to focus more on yourself and your goals than on what they do.
If you’re in a sale and you don’t win an account, think about what you can learn from this. Ask yourself how you can win it next time. In every problem there is an opportunity to learn and grow. I have found in my life that the more difficult a problem, the greater the lesson.
Think every day about what you could learn today. As soon as a problem arises, start thinking of ways to turn the problem into a positive outcome.
- Become a Recipient of Energy
Open to other people’s ideas and suggestions. Be open to other people’s perspectives.
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice.
That doesn’t mean you have to follow it but it’s always good to hear a different point of view. Ask your co-workers how they achieve results. Invite a mentor over for lunch. I’ve found the more I ask, the more I learn.
And the more I learn, the more success and energy I create.