The life of a social post isn’t very long, so you have to find ways to reinforce your message. Here are 5 tools you can’t miss. Simply put, they will increase the amount of attention your message and your business will receive.
1. MarketMeSuite : Social Marketing Management
2. Buffer : Social Time
3. LiveFire : Social Comments
4. iOS5 for iPhone : Social On The Go
5. Strawberry jam : Social Links
1. Social Marketing
Let’s start with the first element and the biggest piece of the puzzle in the list above, MarketMeSuite. MarketMeSuite is an absolute juggernaut of Marketing tools. It takes the best elements of your favorite management platform, mixes in geotargeting and proactive marketing, and gives you one giant place to share, cross-promote, and organize.
Why is this important? You need a central place to monitor all your marketing efforts, and allow your entire team to work together. MarketMeSuite provides the “basic controls” every social media campaign needs.
2. Social Time
There is science behind the posts. Knowing where your customers are, and when is the best time to tweet is very important. You can do a lot of this manually in some full-service dashboards, but what if you’re on the internet, and you see something great to send to your followers? With Buffer you just click on an easy-to-install plugin and messages will be queued for that time buffer determine the likelihood of having high involvement.
Why is this important? It’s simple, but based on some data, they collect CTR on Tweets from links shared by Buffer increased by 200% after 3 weeks of regular use.
3. Social Comments
If you don’t have a decent commenting plugin installed on your blog, waste no more. In fact, do not read to the end of this post. Go now and try LiveFire. It’s free, and takes social commenting to a new level. Users engage more with the story, tweeting their comments is a breeze, and it really facilitates discussion. With one simple click you can send a message saying “You were just mentioned in this conversation…” with a link back to the blog post. It’s an amplification on steroids once it starts working.
Why is this important? Capturing the conversation makes your blog post last longer, and if you manage to get it into the social media scene, you can take advantage of the built-in virality that comes with it.
4. Social On The Go
When it comes to social media on mobile, especially Twitter, the most important thing is that it’s responsive. Install the latest operating system for iPhone, iOS5 and play with the notification feature. Whenever you get a tweet, Facebook mention, or whatever you have set up for push notifications, it goes into this slide-down menu.
Why is this important? You only have a narrow window with social. Often, the opportunity to strengthen your message depends on how quickly you can reply and push the message forward.
5. Social Links
This is a relatively new concept, and Strawberry jam it’s still in beta, but it’s an interesting idea. This app collects all the links shared by your Twitter followers, and tells you which links are most popular and with whom they were shared.
Why is this important? It’s a really cool way to track the sharing power of the links you spread, and show you which types of content are popular with your followers.
Key Retrieval:
These days you literally have to multitask in life and business, and your marketing messages should do the same. Using these amplification tools will help you market smarter, increase click-rates, reach further, and get you the most out of your posts.
Tried one of these services? Have a tip or service you’d like to add to the list? Please leave your comments below.
Image Source: Student