Your body is a fantastic machine. What’s so great about his ability to adapt to almost every circumstance? While most of the time “circumstances” tend to be thought of as outside triggers, they are also causes in our lives. Our emotional and mental landscape shapes our belief systems and determines our choices and ultimately our lives.
When it comes to our health, body image and well-being, there are many invisible factors that play into how we look. Indeed, the way our bodies are formed says a lot about the way our minds and Spirits exist. Here is a list of the top 5 secrets to losing weight from within and accessing your well-being with conscious and intentional action.
1). Raise your Self-Esteem level
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Raise your Self-Esteem level
The main reason for weight gain is loss of self-esteem which results in loss of self-image. Lost in yourself emotionally, you lose yourself physically. No one can achieve successful weight loss until self-esteem is rebuilt from the ground up.
2). Check Your Fear
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Check Your Fear
Determine which part of your body tends to get fat easily and I’ll tell you what you’re afraid of. Every part of the body corresponds to an emotional space. Where the body fat stands is where the lack of emotional strength vibrates.
3). Build Your Character
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Build Your Character
Weight loss is a natural consequence of self-empowerment. Character is the most visible part of your emotional dimension. Your attitude is what determines your strength. Whenever you choose your health from within, you are demonstrating well-being to your body.
4). Find Your Uniqueness
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Find Your Uniqueness
One of the characteristics of people who gain weight is their blindness about their inner beauty. Beauty is not something that is born with a body. Beauty is outside the body. You must reconnect with the unique part of you and let go of the need to exist through outside validation.
5). Be kind to yourself
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Be kind to yourself
In my 15 years of Personal training, specializing in weight loss, one of the most consistent traits I have observed about my clients is a lack of self-love and self-esteem. Take a moment to realize who you are. Breathe into your body and recognize that you are the embodiment of magic. From there begins your journey to lose weight in gratitude for your Life. Always walk with reverence for your body which carries the most precious part of you: the sacred Jewel.
Caring for your gems means ensuring that the chests they are placed in are functional, strong, flexible, and ready to travel the world. You owe yourself the gift of Health because it is the first step that will bring you to Earth to fulfill your dreams.