Planning your finances is a tough job to do and you won’t be able to fully manage all of this without tools or systematic notes. Since many people are so busy with their work they hardly have time to organize all these activities and when it comes time to remember this it puts them even more work pressure. So to make it convenient, there are a number of web services that help you budget and track your expenses and investments. Some let you make a plan for a goal, such as college or retirement, and others offer advice on where to put your money. The good news is that many of these services are completely free, so you can enjoy them without spending any money.
Let’s take a look at some Personal Finance Tools:
Money Dashboard
The Money Dashboard makes your financial life easier. Whoever you bank with, all your current savings accounts and credit cards come together here giving you a definitive picture of what’s really going on with your money. Seeing your cash in this new way gives you the power to make changes, the confidence to plan for the future, and the potential to achieve your financial goals. This the best financial software for financial planning.
Adaptu lets you see all your financial accounts – checking, savings, credit cards, pensions – in one secure place, and provides intuitive budgeting, scheduling and investment tools to help you make more informed financial decisions. The Adaptu Wallet, extends the functionality of the Adaptu website to include predictive expense and dynamic cash flow tools. Custom alerts based on spending behavior keep you on track to reach your goals.
mint leaves
Mint is a very popular online money management software that keeps track of all your accounts in one place while offering some great financial tools. Mint automatically pulls all of your financial information into one place, so you can finally get the full picture. Stay on top of your finances. See what’s going on with all your accounts – checking, savings, investments, retirement – any time of day.
Manilla collects all the information you need to manage your bills and accounts and puts it in one secure place, available 24/7. With automatic reminders, Manilla notifies you when an important bill is nearing due, or when reward points are about to expire. With Manila as your mail manager, you’ll have unrestricted access to the bills, statements, and notifications your account offers – without paper mess.
eFinPLAN is online software that provides the necessary tools to create your own personal financial plan for a fraction of the cost of paying a professional financial planner.